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Student Life at U.C. Berkshire School

A Growing Community

Our student culture plays a key role in the experience at U.C. Berkshire School. We’ve created a safe and accessible environment where students are encouraged to discuss ideas, collaborate on projects, share their work, and receive feedback with pride. We give students the foundation to reach their potential and gain confidence both academically and socially.

Student Activities

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Industry Visiting

Our high school is dedicated to providing students with unique and enriching learning experiences through industry visits. We have organized exciting trips to renowned companies such as Toyota, Google, and BlackBerry. These visits offer students a firsthand glimpse into the cutting-edge technologies, innovative work environments, and dynamic career opportunities that these companies offer. 


Our high school students have a wide range of opportunities for engaging in volunteering activities. These activities play a crucial role in fostering personal growth, community involvement, and a sense of social responsibility among students. We encourage students to participate in volunteer work, whether it's through school-sponsored initiatives or independent community organizations. These activities can encompass a variety of areas, such as assisting at local shelters, participating in environmental clean-up projects, supporting fundraising events for charitable causes, tutoring peers, or engaging in youth leadership programs.



We offer a diverse range of athletic programs to cater to various interests and skill levels. Students have the opportunity to engage in team sports like soccer, basketball, hockey, and volleyball, promoting teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship. Additionally, individual sports such as track and field, swimming, and cross-country running encourage personal growth and achievement. The athletic activities not only contribute to students' physical well-being but also impart essential life skills such as time management, resilience, and leadership.


Our high school is committed to providing students with enriching educational experiences, including organized tours to vibrant cities like Toronto and Niagara Falls. These excursions offer students the opportunity to broaden their horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the cultural, historical, and social fabric of Canada. Beyond Toronto, our school also organizes trips to other cities, each with its unique charm and significance. These tours enable students to witness the country's regional diversity, historical landmarks, and local communities.

Read and Study

We understand the importance of fostering a love for literature and providing a serene space for intellectual exploration. Our dedicated reading area and classroom are designed to inspire a passion for reading and encourage thoughtful activities.

Step into our reading area, where students can escape into the world of literature. The cozy corners are adorned with comfortable seating, inviting students to curl up with a good book. Our carefully curated collection includes a diverse range of genres and authors, catering to every literary taste.

Our specialized classroom for reading and activities is more than just a space—it's a dynamic hub for interactive learning experiences. Equipped with modern technology and a variety of educational resources, this room serves as a platform for innovative teaching methods and collaborative projects.

Exploring Knowledge Beyond Campus: Waterloo Public Library

We extend the boundaries of learning by taking our students to the Waterloo Public Library, a vibrant hub of knowledge and community engagement. Nestled in the heart of Waterloo, this library offers an enriching experience beyond the classroom.

The Waterloo Public Library serves as an extension of our commitment to fostering a love for learning. Here, students can delve into an extensive collection of books, digital resources, and educational materials. The library's welcoming atmosphere encourages research, exploration, and quiet contemplation, providing an invaluable complement to our on-campus facilities.

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